There are several ways to be healthy. Including protein in your diet is one of the key sources that will help you stay active. Protein provides long-term support in the body, it boosts our energy level to function well. However, a lot of people assume that protein can only be found in animals. Fortunately, vegan protein can also be found in plants, it is the perfect alternative for vegans and to those who have lactose intolerance. Plant proteins have so much to offer; you may want to check our list and see how satisfying they can be!


Lentils are a favorite for many people; it is one of the popular plant-based-protein in the market especially for vegetarians and vegans due to its high fiber and protein content.Plant based protein is the ideal diet for vegetarians and vegans who want to pursue an active lifestyle without neglecting their protein needs. Brown Rice, Hemp, Soy and Pea protein can all be purchased in powder form.

The powder form is ideal for mixing in shakes and smoothies. Quinoa makes an excellent breakfast cereal and there are many recipes for brown rice and lentils. Being a bodybuilder or an athlete requires a good source of protein. A combination of vegan proteins can be used to get the same performance as eating meat or dairy. Regardless of where your protein is from, it should be low in sugars and have a good amino acid profile. Keep in mind that it should be healthy and beneficial; both in mind and body. Your health is your top priority, there is no shortcut, it is your persistence and determination with both diet and training that will drive you toward your goals.


Soy is considered as a complete protein. Studies show that soy can help prevent cancer; it can boost growth hormone and nitric-oxide levels and gives extra energy even after working out. Soy is ideal for vegetarians, and if you are not bothered with the idea of whey protein in your diet; you can combine both whey and soy for a more effective muscle building drink.


Hemp is also a complete protein that is easy to love. Whether it is a hemp seed or hemp milk; both are beneficial to stimulate protein in the body. Hemp is a good source of energy during workouts and training; it also provides arginine, which increases nitric-oxide that can transmit nutrients to your muscles.

Hemp Seed is a good addition to your meal recipes. Hemp Milk is also becoming popular just like the other plant-based milk; you can also create recipes and blend it to your taste.


Pea protein is the new trend in the today’s natural food industry. Great for people who can’t eat meat or dairy products. Pea protein is a great alternative; it is considered as another great source of plant based protein, pea protein is readily absorbed in the body. It is an excellent choice for those with food intolerance and allergies. Most vegetarians prefer pea since it can be digested well.

Brown- Rice

Over the years, it has been proven that eating brown rice can help you lose fat and balances cholesterol levels.

Brown rice is rich in amino acid, arginine, and glutamine with 70 percent of its calories are made of protein. To those who are having trouble digesting animal based protein, brown rice is another good option to keep your protein balanced and active.


Quina is rich in protein, magnesium, antioxidants, and fiber.It contains the nine essential amino acids.

There are several ways to eat quina, you can use it in baked foods or cook it like oatmeal.

Quina includes flavonoids that are high in antioxidants.Also, quina is a gluten free Non GMO protein source.