While primarily used as a weight-loss aid today, the keto diet can actually have a number of health benefits if it’s followed correctly. You will need to pay attention to the risks and side effects too, but the health benefits you can experience are fantastic.

Here, we’ll look at some of the main health conditions the keto diet may help with.


One of the main conditions the keto diet can be used to treat is obesity. It has long been known that low-carb diets can be great for losing weight. There have been several studies which have highlighted the benefits the keto diet can provide in terms of weight loss.

One study showed that men who followed the keto diet for 24 weeks lost double the amount of fat than those who ate a low-fat diet. The study also showed that their levels of good cholesterol increased. 

The keto diet can also help to reduce the appetite. Because of this, it can make it easier to stick to compared to some other low-calorie and low-fat diets.

Metabolic Syndrome

Another condition a keto diet may help with is metabolic syndrome. Sometimes known as prediabetes, this condition occurs due to insulin resistance. When you have metabolic syndrome, it increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

When you follow a keto diet, it can improve the symptoms of the condition. For example, it can raise good cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar and improve blood pressure. 


The only condition the keto diet has been proven to help is epilepsy. This is what the diet was initially created for and it’s proved for decades it can help to control seizures, particularly in children. 

Studies have shown that the keto diet can help to improve seizures in approximately 50% of patients. It doesn’t just help to stop seizures either. Researchers have assessed the brains of children suffering with epilepsy after following a keto diet, and discovered it improves numerous brain patterns in approximately 65% of patients. 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Caused by hormonal dysfunction, PCOS can be a frustrating condition to live with. However, following a keto diet can help keep its symptoms controlled.

One of the main factors of PCOS is insulin resistance. It’s common for women suffering from the condition to experience weight gain, alongside excessive hair growth. In one study, it was revealed that a keto diet led to weight loss in 12% of patients with PCOS. It also managed to improve reproductive hormones and reduce fasting insulin by 54%. 


Finally, those suffering with diabetes may find the helpful keto diet. However, there is also evidence to suggest that it can lead to ketoacidosis. This means diabetics that are considering following this style of diet should talk to their healthcare practitioner. They will need to be monitored frequently to ensure they don’t develop ketoacidosis which can be extremely dangerous to their health.

These are some of the main conditions the keto diet can help with. While there hasn’t been a substantial amount of research into its health benefits, the above are some of the main benefits that have been proven.