When it comes to losing weight and becoming fit, it is essential to keep a healthy diet. Pursuing an active lifestyle is not about eating less, it is about eating right. One of the key nutritional components that you need to add on your diet plan is protein. Protein is essential to the body. So, you need to consider a protein source. However, as much as the body needs protein, you have to control your protein intake. It cannot be abused; too much protein in the diet may develop toxins which in no doubt may sabotage your immune system.

Source of Protein

All you have to do is to find a good protein source to add to your diet meal plan. Protein can be found in many different foods. Meat, fish, and eggs are the basic protein source. Even so, there are sources of protein that are not healthy for the body. Protein is basically found in animals and vegetables, some people would claim plant proteins are superior to the animal protein. However, there are several reasons that will validate that these two proteins have different qualities that can be beneficial to your health.

Animal Proteins

Animal protein for one contains amino acids that our body can’t naturally produce. Thus, including this in your diet plan is also beneficial. Compared to a plant protein, animal protein can effectively increase calcium production and absorption that balances bone minerals resulting in stronger bone health. However, not all meat is good for the physical condition; there are instances where the liver may find it hard to digest the fat that comes from meats high in fat, which is why it is 

essential to identify meat that is rich in protein and acceptable to the body. Knowing the source can make a huge difference in the quality of protein you will receive. Beef and chicken are a good protein source. Lean beef, for example, can boost muscle building potential. Beef is high in iron and can keep your energy high. If you want to receive optimal quality, go for grass-fed beef rather than average beef that is fed grain. Grass-fed beef is rich in fatty acids; they are leaner and richer in nutrients compared to an average cow raised in feedlots.

For chickens, white meat chicken is low in fat and contains high protein. It is better to remove the chicken skin since it only holds unnecessary fat and eating it can add calories to your dietary plan. Your best option is to buy skinless chicken breasts that are free of antibiotics and hormones.

Another good protein source is fish, it also contains fatty acids that the body accepts. For example is Salmon fish. Yet, not all salmon are created equal which is why you have to avoid farm raised salmon and choose wild salmon. Farm raised salmon is fed with processed high-fat cheap feeds; they are often unhealthy and do not contain the right amount of omega- 3s we desire. On the other hand, wild salmon is caught in a natural environment. Compared to a farm-raised salmon, wild salmon is cleaner, rich in minerals, including potassium, iron, and zinc. Also, salmon is good for reducing inflammation in the body.

You can also add Tuna to your protein preference. Tuna is a popular choice among health enthusiast out there, it is known for its ability to stimulate growth and development, lowers blood pressure, reduces cardiovascular conditions, helps in weight loss efforts, and so much more. All in all, eating tuna can boost your immune system.