Entering Ketosis: What Does it Mean and How Long Does It Last?

The keto diet’s effectiveness is credited to a process known as ketosis. The foods consumed on the diet cause the body to enter into a state of ketosis. This in turn produces a lot of health benefits. 

So, what exactly is ketosis? Here, you’ll discover the main things you need to know about this natural process of diet and what it means for the body.

What Is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a process that occurs naturally in the body when it doesn’t have enough carbs to turn into energy. In order to generate the fuel that the body needs, fat stores are used.

When fat is burned, it produces acids known as ketones, which can then be used for energy. These are produced in the liver and delivered to the brain. It is important to note here that too many ketones can actually poison the body. In diabetics, ketosis occurs naturally due to limited glucose levels. 

What Benefits Does It Provide?

Ketosis is said to deliver a number of health benefits. It can help to manage epileptic seizures, achieve rapid weight loss, and improve bad cholesterol. 

Research is currently being conducted to determine whether ketosis can prove beneficial for acne, metabolic syndrome and cancer – to name just a few conditions. 

Understanding the Difference between Ketosis and Ketoacidosis

While ketosis can provide a number of health benefits, it can also lead to ketoacidosis. Unlike ketosis, the latter can be extremely dangerous to the health, particularly for those with diabetes.

If ketone levels become too high, it triggers ketoacidosis. This then poisons the body, posing a significant risk to the health in as little as 24 hours. This is why it is really important for followers of the keto diet to check their kidney function frequently. Those with diabetes also need to be extremely careful before following the diet. 

How Long Does Ketosis Last?

It is thought that it takes around 3-4 days for the body to enter ketosis after carbohydrates have been limited. However, some followers of the keto diet may find it takes up to a week to enter the process. Things can be done to speed up the time it takes to enter ketosis, such as increasing high-quality fats in the diet and only consuming 20-50g carbs each day.

As for how long the body can safely stay in ketosis, there is conflicting advice out there. Some studies have shown that Inuits, for example, permanently stay in a state of ketosis. 

When it’s used to treat epileptic seizures in children, they can be treated with ketosis for up to 12 years. However, when the keto diet is used for weight loss and other health benefits, experts recommend only following it for a period of up to 12 months.

Generally speaking, you should only look to keep the body in ketosis for up to a year.  

With all these facts in mind, it is worth speaking to your doctor or healthcare practitioner prior to starting the keto diet. This will ensure you’re following it correctly dependent upon your specific dietary requirements.